Getting the most out of WolframAlpha

WolframAlpha is amazing, even if it’s still pretty specialised. But I have a hunch that it’s not getting the usage that it deserves — which may explain the arrival of this very good demonstration of its capabilities by Stephen Wolfram.

What next for the Web?

nobody really knows, but Richard MacManus has some interesting hypotheses. In 2009 we’re seeing more products based on open, structured data e.g. Wolfram Alpha. We’re seeing more real-time apps e.g. Twitter, OneRiot. And we’re seeing better filters e.g. FriendFeed (and … Continue reading


The current estimated size of the universe is 13.7 billion light-years. Given that light travels at a speed of 186,282 miles per second, how big is that? Answer, according to WolframAlpha: 8.054×10^22 miles or 1.296×10^23 km. Just thought you’d like … Continue reading

This day…

… in 1946 was a Thursday. How do I know this? Why, I asked WolframAlpha. It’s the kind of thing it knows. It was also the day in 1936 when the Spanish Civil War began as General Franco led an … Continue reading